Submitted By: Brenda Williams
Smart cars are manufactured by a Micro Compact Car AG. The company has its’ headquarters in Switzerland and produces a lot of its cars in France. The Smart car was created for European cities dwellers and was designed to be light on fuel and be easy to park. The car was made to be able to be park perpendicularly with ease.
One of the obvious concerns when one first looks at the Smart car is whether or not it is safe. It is awfully small when compared with the average American car. The thought of it colliding with a SV or even a sedan can be frightening. With so much highway driving in this country, it seems that a high impact, high speed crash would be devastating for the occupants of a Smart car. However, the company already considered this and created a tritium, which is a safety cell that helps the car more safely take on impact from bigger vehicles. It also has three layers of steel on various parts of the car so that occupants are protected in the event of a crash. There are also steel door beams and reinforced axles to avoid danger from side impacts.
The Smart car was first introduced in Europe and has very recently made its way to the United States. Many car experts where surprised at the cars introduction to the American market as Americans tend to like bigger cars and prize style over practicality. However, right now, due to the high gas prices that don’t appear to be decreasing, smaller cars that are cheaper at the fuel pump seem to becoming much more popular and practical. Also due to the “green movement,” individuals are more concerned about the environment and the Smart car produces less emissions then bigger, bulkier SUV’s. They are also a lot less expensive to fill up.
Right now is a great time for smaller, more fuel efficient cars to enter the automotive market in the United States due to on the high price of fuel. Small cars are better for the environment and emit far fewer harmful gases. With a cultural shift towards saving the environment, this gives smaller cars such as the Smart car an advantage.
The Smart car also makes great sense for individuals that live in cities. They are small, easy to manoeuvre and park. The safety precautions that the company has taken to alleviate fears of crashes will also go along way in making the car acceptable and practical in the United States. This year, 2008, is the first year that they car has been made available in the United States. It has become extremely popular in other countries. Only time will tell if the same will happen in this country. I suspect that if the price is right, the cars turn out to be sturdy enough and the “green” campaign keeps momentum, then the advantages associated with lower fuel prices and the effects on the environment will convince America to give the Smart car a chance.
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